Rent Dumpster

Rent Dumpster

Why Wait to Get Your Life Back?

Do you try to wait for the perfect time to do things? If you are, then I have great news. Now is the perfect time to rent a dumpster. Take your space back!


Size 20 – 20 long x 8 wide x 4 feet tall
Size 30 – 20 long x 8 wide x 6 feet tall
Weight limit 4 tons

Tree Debris
We take all tree debris to include:
– Brush
– Stumps
– Branches
– Leaves
We take household debris!

Rent Dumpster or Junk Removal?

You Rent Dumpster or We Remove the Junk. Do you like to have your hands in everything when it comes to your house? Some people would rather not have people in their home rummaging through their things. If that is the case, rent a dumpster from us. 

  1. Give us a call.
  2. We’ll figure out what size you need.
  3. Tell us how long you need it.
  4. We will drop it off and pick up it up based on the time you need it.

We bring the dumpster, you fill it, then we take the junk, and you get your space back!


Material Restrictions – What NOT to put in our dumpsters!
– Concrete
– Dirt
– Hazardous Material
– Tires

How It Works – The Dumpster Rental Process

Book Appointment

Book an Appointment give The Hauling Men a call to set an appointment time.

You Fill Up

You Fill Up

Fill the dumpster up with stuff for your DIY project, spring cleaning, garage closet or back yard.

Dumpster Delivery

Dumpster Delivery

We deliver a reasonably sized driveway friendly box.

Pick Up

Pick Up

Once filled, the dumpster will be picked up and hauled away by an efficient customer friendly crew and disposed of in a an environmentally safe way.